Friday, 28 February 2014

Notice About PMP™ SDuos

Hello guys,
Hope you all loving and enjoying my works ;)

I developed- PMP™ Ultra, PMP™ Light, PMP™ U-Ex and PMP™ RaZER custom roms for s duos in sduos forum.

All roms are on their best part based on their different features as per users interest.

Now i am thinking to continue with PMP™ Ultra ROM version updates only, because of 2 reasons-

1st Reason- Most of all users are using PMP™ Ultra only in PMP™ Series and they are loving to use this rom only. Comparing with ultra, there are very few users using my other roms. (Am i right? Correct me if i am wrong here). And also they all are based on same stock 4.0.4 only.

2nd Reason- Lack of time and etc..........

So these are the two reasons for that.

(But downloads for all the last updates of other roms will be always available)



  1. I hope that you'll update your PMP U-EX. For me it's the best ROM for Duos.

  2. which one is light n fast rom ...
    my wife using s duos
    thats why she just need simple n fast rom

  3. my wife using s duos....
    she just need simpal n fast rom
    so which one is best for her.....

  4. please include pmp light rom for updating.
